What Makes Companies Successful?

This is a topic that has been written about by CEO and VP’s of global leading brands and many hours of analysis has gone into producing dissertations analysing what makes companies a success.

It is a colossal topic, but there are a few major common denominators when it comes to the companies that have no weathered the storms of depressions, competitors and the ever-changing opinions of customers.


Even if your product is incredible, it is highly likely that there will be someone out there with a similar product that is competing within the same space….and this is why sales are so important. Improve your performance.

Everybody can be persuaded to view your product as the best. Persuasion is a powerful tool and finding someone that can lead a sales strategy and campaign will result in you having someone who can be a spearhead for your company.

They are a key component in helping a company expand. Without sales, you do not have revenue. Companies retain clients but it is almost unheard of that companies retain every single client they ever have, so there is an inevitable amount of ‘churn’ within a business.

New Innovative products

So many companies are chasing the same consumer offering much the same products as every other retailer. NOT  ON THE HIGH STREET’s  success is patent to that. Sell something different and people might take notice.

Of course, it does still have to be something that people want. Rubber Roofing Direct Ltd based in Dorking Surrey cm up with the idea of using rubber to fix customers garden shed roofs instead of the old asphalt. Their company has been a runaway success. It just proves that thinking outside of the box makes life not only easier but more profitable too!


This is especially relevant in service-related areas. Too many companies are happy to be the ‘experts’ without understanding what their clients think of their service. As such, their client retention rate is not as effective as it could be.

Conducting surveys or questionnaires is crucial in understanding where you might be mismanaging your clients’ expectations. So whichever way you want to view it, either these surveys will be able to simply give you a better idea of what our clients think of your service (or product) or you can take it a step further and use this information to streamline certain processes or designs so that you can make sure that your service or product is the best in the market.

Take Risks

There come certain points in the lifespan of a company when the management has to take risks in order to evolve, expand or even survive. These risks are often critical points and dictate how the company will perform.


There any many ways to brand your business, but branding is important because not only does it make an impression on customers/service users, it allows others to know what to expect from your company. Branding is a marketing practise where a company creates a name, logo or design that is easily identifiable.

Branding certainly gets recognition, which increases your business value.

A great way of doing this is to create branded work uniforms for your employees. With JP Promotions, when you order 10 units, you get complimentary setup and embroidery. (Offer valid until April 30th). Shop products here.